Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Just a rant about rude e-smokers

Been a while since I ranted here, but I have a bone to pick today, so I guess it's time.

E-cig smokers are a bunch of jerks and snobs.

This comes from an encounter with one yesterday, to total slime bag, who, despite Utah laws now saying you cannot use those devices anywhere that normal smoking is prohibited, had to walk into the library bathroom and use his stupid device. Must have been a total wuss, as it was a wonderful day, at that time, about 40 degrees on the F scale, sunny still, and very little wind. But, these dumb asses, judging by his behavior, not only deserve the right to use their devices anywhere they damned well please.

After I walked out of the can, refusing to be around idiots when they are doing stupid things like that, commenting to take it outside, he waited to get on the elevators later on,  catching me on my way OUTSIDE to smoke my pipe in the DESIGNATED Smoking Area here. He created an unpleasant ride down, daring to accost the law-abiding person about how he could use where ever he wanted, and there was nothing I could do about it.

So, I did the honorable thing, advised him that the laws said otherwise, if I caught him doing it again, I would advise the library security of his violation of rules, and shrugged him off.

He had to get the last word, trying to get me to swing on him, I guess. Dumb ass, like I said. But most folks, even this writer, can be at times. Even after I warned him, he pushed, daring me to rat him out. So, I turned my back on him as I got off.... and here is where the arrogant punk proved he was just a bully and coward at heart. He loudly told me to "go get a haircut and shave, you hippie."

Yeah, he made his point, but when I spun and dared him to try, he had to scuttle off to the computers, probably to boast about putting a homeless guy in his place on some social media site. Me, I waited until today, thinking it over....

And here is my conclusion. Ain't it funny how everyone breaks some law, no matter how pure and righteous we all think we are? And why is it okay for one person or one group to break a law, but nobody else can do so?
Why do folks see the hippie, not that other dude, up on the walls of so many homes and churches?

You know, one thing I have learned, being homeless, I am in good company. Moses was homeless. Noah, well, I guess the ark might count as a home to some, but in my judgment, he was homeless. John the Baptist? Homeless. Joseph with that funny coat? Homeless for a while. Lot and Abraham, homeless bums like me, the former several times. Mohammed spent time homeless, that fellow I mentioned earlier about the picture hanging so many places? Trust me, the carpenter from Nazareth did his time preaching homeless.

I ain't a hippie, either. There is only one Grateful Dead song I've ever liked, and all the hippies claim that was the "sell-out" song. Don't do dope, or any drugs beyond my pipe tobacco and coffee (unless donuts and ice cream can be proven to be narcotic substances, which I personally would contest). And, unlike a true hippie, I reject commune life as ideal form of community living.

NOW, when the rest of you can obey the laws, all of them, you can criticize me for having to break laws to survive, as your society, and it is yours, not mine, seems to deem me unworthy of being a member.

Oh, and all you E-smokers? Get your lazy butts outside to smoke. Getting wet and cold is good for you, ya wussies. And if you can't take criticism about your double standards, well, I have a rope you can relieve yourselves on, just let me know when you need it suspended from some tree, no need to return it, either.