Wednesday, February 4, 2015

One rejection too many

For those who read my main blog, as well as here, you know that for the last four years, and a small amount of change, I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to rejoin the society known as America.

Today, the final effort on that, under everyone else's terms, failed. Despite positive feedback, and a desire on both parts.

So, for the next little while, I shall fall silent. Not out of depression, but as I draft a new plan to rebuild my life. A traditional job probably will not be part of that plan. Nor will any of the other things most would expect of someone reduced as far down as I am to turn to. I refuse to turn to crime, save for illegal camping due to lack of housing after finishing a project for friends who have aided me the last year.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Closing the rants soon

These rants will roll back into my main blog soon...
well, maybe. i might just delete it all, and see if that impacts my ability to have any form of income.

Or, maybe I will delete everything, make a free offering of "The compiled writings of the homeless bum" and walk off...


Simple... today, well most of the last 30 days actually, whispers, rumors, and hints were made to and about me, that made it to my ears slowly....

It seems, that after 4 years of trying, I need to remove certain firms from my resume, as they are tired of answering those inquiries.... firms... more than one. One I understand, technically, it is now beyond the 10 year maximum frame unless someone wants to know "everything" about me.
Also, it seems that folks who asked me to do them favors, legally, in finding work/getting problems at jobs resolved correctly and to both my then and their now company satisfaction, want those markers... erased without any form of redemption... fine... some of that was the customer service extra mile, but the personal time favors? You want those erased?

What does a resume with no work experience look like to folks, when a grey-beard like me walks in? And, no, I refuse to dye my beard, I earned my white and grey fur, every freaking strand of it...

What does it look like, when someone changes their filed resume, to delete the work history? Retraction of lies?

It was bad enough that several times in the past, to get a job, I had to show my tax records to the security vetting group or the prospective employer's HR to prove that the company, now defunct or under new management, had indeed employed me, despite their claims otherwise, or open statement of "we did not keep files from the previous management".

So, now I have to rethink everything... and I do mean everything. What should be done by me, and will some old markers for favors.

Worse, Why should I EVER trust folks, and do right by them, if they will not return that favor?

I'm reviewing the markers in my head, and erasing those where folks made the effort, at least. Those who refused, well, maybe I can ask Karma to collect for me... sell that evil wench those markers...

Yeah, say it... call me every name in the book, if I do sell those markers to Karma... just remember... I asked nicely, waited it out, in case it was just timing, then when you said what you did, well that sealed the transfer, if Murphy of that law of bad timing heard....

One bit of advice... to those who ask these things.....
Don't ask me to pretend you didn't and forgive you, down the road.... Be honest, say it: "Yeah, I turned my back on you when you were down and needed help, but now... I need a hand again>"

I might forgive, and do it. If you ask nice, and apologize. I'm that kind of guy.