Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Secessionists are damned fools....

Look, I never agree with what my government does 100% of the time. Just cause you lost an election is no reason to take your toys, go home and say you will change the minds of other folk by force though.

Quite frankly, those supporting secession at this time must face the music. They stand against the Union, are ignoring the Constitution and are thus both committing Treason and Terrorism against the United States of America. They can talk about it to their heart's content. Taking the actions they have is Treason, and if they try to use force in forcing the decision, they have crossed into Terrorism, and are subject to the full penalties of the Patriot Act and other laws passed by their own factions in the last few decades.

I can bitch and moan, I can say I think about a time that to defend the Constitution and its Amendments that I may have to rebel against the branches of government that stem from the trunk of We The People... but I never go more than grousing and try to remember to point out the ways that have to be expended before I can do such. Like making an effort to fix things, honestly and faithfully within the system.

But to start the actions they have turns my stomach. Look, these fools are not doing this to "Save our nation for God.." or any of the other cries they are giving. Quite frankly, they are sore losers, who want everything their way, and as they cannot do so now, "The South shall rise again" mentality they hold tells them its time for a Civil War to get their way. Its a power trip... "We'll show you who's boss." Or

Insert a big sigh here, then walk with me a moment, folks.

We can fix our nation's problems without another Civil War. Yes there are problems out there. Top on that list is folks don't want to compromise anymore, and extremists rule the main parties... All of them.

I want the damned fools preaching secession to think really hard... are you willing to set brother against brother again... to tear apart our nation, at a time we cannot afford to be torn apart if we wish to remain as the leader in Democracy and Freedom on the Earth. The crossroads we stand at is one with no paved roads, as we have already taken too many steps down the less safe roads of over governance and extremism on both sides of the aisle. I cannot even have a civil discussion about my thoughts on issues now without being called a moron. Or worse.

Face it. The problem is not me. Its all of us, me included. We have to learn to compromise again. To accept the fact we will not get everything we want, as long as the other guy does not get everything he wants as well.  We do need to fix things, like the Electoral College issue. Like the fact that Congress gets to set its own wage and benefits. Maybe even find some way to return to some level of civility. And we need to do it soon.

Flame me all you want, call me a wuss, a damned fool as I called you. I don't care. If you act upon these petitions, and actually tear the Union apart, I will stand for the Union... For the Stars and Stripes, and by the Constitution. For now, I am still just a guy... but once upon a time, I took an oath... to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign .. and domestic. If you took that oath as well, you better think twice before signing on a secessionist. Especially if you said... "so help me God.." as part of it.

Look inside America. Its time to sit down and talk CALMLY for a change... both sides of the extremes have to give... or the Center will not hold with you. Or hold you up when you fall in the mud you seem to like throwing around.

Part of Democracy is not always getting your way. And the biggest part, is accepting that, moving on to the next issue, and stop trying to be a jerk about it. Grow up folks.

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