Thursday, June 14, 2012

Teetering on the brink

Its been a while since I shot off my mouth. So I guess I am overdue here.

Like I have said before, we all have opinions, just as we all have smelly backsides. And no one likes sniffing someone else's (unless they are truly sick puppies). This is your warning. I am about to offer up my opinion on things. You probably will think I am crazy, stupid or just an ass. All of these are your perogative to think about me, but I have the right to speak and write, and intend to use it.

The economy of our nation is still screwed up, teetering on the brink of a real disaster. The root cause is not just the division of wealth, but the costs of housing versus the wages paid to the lowest end of society. This, not the crisis in Europe, will be what the hell brings us down.

Before you all pop off of here, wait and let me point out that rent inflation is higher than the rate of wage increase at the bottom end of the scales. Why should someone who is making minimum wage (or less if tips might be added, and not much comes in the way of those in a tight economy, believe me, I know from past experience) work two or three jobs just to keep a roof over theiir head?

Some of you fools out there may think, you get what you earn. But these folks busted ass to get a paycheck, and you want them to double that load, often with kids in the household, to make ends meet?

You're damned fools, if so.

Look, any economy has to be healthy in the middle, and with our middle class suffering something beyond decimation (which is only a 1 in 10 reduction folks), we cannot claim to be a healthy economy, or nation for a long while.

When an economy collapses, it happens because the base everything is built has deteriorated. And folks, AFFORDABLE housing for the lowest class is a necessity. Try living at that wage and finding a home in this nation. In the inflated urban areas, the boomtowns of the northern plains, and some other spots, you can't. Not without some supplement, be it social welfare or criminal activity.

Well, that is my bit. Start looking back to the past, we don't need more apartments with all the trimmings folks. We need more that are bare bones, studios up to 4 bedrooms. No pool facilities, no jacuzzi, no covered parking, no clubhouse, just somewhere nearby or on property to do laundry, a small common patio area and the like. Stop wasting my time on the big complexes, build some small urban ones again. Not condos, apartments. And then rent them at a rate where a person can make ends meet, set a small amount aside to build up that nest egg and move on later.

Until next time, you can release your nose. BTW, your ideas and opinions smell as bad as mine.

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