Thursday, August 15, 2013

Where to go? Hell for most.

One thing I am learning, since being homeless, is for every hand to help up, at least a dozen feet lash out to kick you back down.

Everyone seems to like having folks worse off than themselves. And they like keeping it that way, lest they become the bottom of the food chain.

Today, I began the full process of removing myself from the job market. Yeah, I've had enough, and got tired of trying. Of having hopes lifted, only to be dashed later when interviews come along, and mostly of not hearing anything on most job apps.

It took two years and then some to break my spirit, but at least now I can focus on writing, and say the hell with wasting time on jobs, being a slave to others for a pittance, and be a slave to myself for the same.

Yeah, unless I turn to piracy..... not that I'm any good with boats, but hey, at least I'd yell ARRR!, unlike most of the bozos ruining the profession these days.

So, if you ask me what I'm doing, I'll probably tell you, mind your own biz, or piss off, or some such. But I am doing things, but for me, not anyone else now.

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