Monday, August 26, 2013

You are forsworn if you take the Pledge of Allegiance.

No, I am not joking.

Look, this is part of my trouble with America, and why I have tossed in the towel on the concept of America as a nation, and its society. The hypocrisy is driving me nuts.

You vow, mentioning God, to be One Nation, and have a class society, to strive for Justice for All, while promoting targeting of certain sections of your population and their crimes over the rest.

If America had any sense, you'd all pull your heads out and offer better to your citizens. If I thought I had a chance of leaving and making it in another country, right now, I'd take the ride offered and go.

Let's look at what a FAIR concept of "Justice For All" should look like. Just a moment. That's all. And what I am about to lay out is just the tip of the iceberg your nation (ain't mine anymore, ya'll kicked me to the curb and curse me for being a homeless scum bum) is getting broken up on.

Stop "Selective Enforcement". Either reduce your laws down to a lower number, or better yet, be fair, and go after those white collar jerks who break the same laws as the homeless and poor with the same level of intensity. And enforce the laws that apply to their crimes, instead of acting like those are such rate cases you don't need to.
Step Two, how is "Justice" served by a set dollar fine that hits a poor person harder than a rich one? Make fines a percentage of wealth/income/assets instead, which might make a hell of a lot more sense, and hit keep rich brats from breaking the law as much as they do, once they find out it might actually have hurt mommy and daddy's pockets enough that there will be severe consequences. And don't lie to me about kids not being kids, and rich kids never get in trouble. Hell, they do it constantly, knowing their family will bail them out or better yet buy off the crime from ever showing on their records.
Same goes for companies. Making a fine based on the company, as well as the impact of that crime, might let a small company survive criminal actions by its employees as easily as a big corporation, and make the big boys fear breaking the laws, as they would now face real fines that hit them enough to end certain policies and procedures they never should have done anyway.

Yeah, I've been thinking. Not that America will listen. You all screwed this up, I'm just that little voice out here in the wilderness, pointing it out. You fix it, I'm tired of your crap and cleaning it up.

That is all for this week. I'll be back later in September to razz you idjits some more.

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