Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola has made it to a 1st world nation... and sadly it is the one known as "Medication-Nation", which means many of the things the experts think they know about the disease are going to either fail them, or prove wrong as we get to see it closer now...

Top of that list, in a nation where so many folks are on various medications, treatments, or self-prescribing over-the-counter meds that suppress parts of the immune system, of which fever is one prime part of... can we really take that 3rd world observed temperature for virus shedding point of 100.4 as the Gold Standard?


Sorry, but our leaders and professionals fucked this one up, and I refuse to recant that usage of a cuss word...

Add to this, the arrogance that we have, letting folks exposed to something like this continue with daily life like normal? I defer to the man with the Doctorate in Swearology, Sgt. Snorkel of Beetle Bailey fame, to express my feelings on that. But, honestly? We really thought that was the answer? Allowing folks to continue to travel during that incubation period? Look at the chaos that is causing, compared to what some common sense travel bans, and a quarantine in place at the site of exposure, would have wrought (a lot less chaos, and much more trust in the leadership of those in the positions we expect that of, but now we will never know).

I'm on a tear about how #Texas did this to us... in truth, we all have. We became complacent, trusted too much, or handed over too much authority, to fools, apparently. At all levels of government.

Our medical community failed us, by not following their own advice, and moving about, our leaders failed us, by not imposing stricter controls, and making sure all agencies communicated and worked together on all the issues around such outbreaks, and worst, we failed ourselves.

I've sat on this long enough... and that is only 12 hours after I made the connection, reached out, admittedly after hours, to a contact in the local health department, and sent that probably lost missive to the folks at 1600 Penn Ave... lost in the flood of others screaming panic...

Don't trust that 100.4. Viral load in a patient, the population of the virus in that human's body, drives the point where viral shedding, or being infectious, occurs. No medical degree, no degree at all, from a homeless bum, who happens to read a lot... and triggered by seeing someone post, who is doing the right thing, and self-quarantining after exposure, a lower than normal temperature. Sadly, it took me nearly ten hours to make that connection. Ten precious hours, then twelve more, debating with myself if laying this out there is wise, or feeding the frenzy... but, we have to know, and take that bit of caution.

With how Ohio is reacting to Index case 1.2, Ms. Vinson, I think at least some are, but not warning others... and they should. All the symptoms have some way to suppress them... I just hope we find a better diagnostic technique soon, and start using some common sense. Like those brave enough to do the right thing themselves, on their own initiative. Without that medical degree, but with Wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. Remember this. Many folks have various conditions, as well, that require immuno-suppressants... and those reduce/prevent fevers... We are making one hell of an assumption, and when you assume, you make an ass of U and me...
