Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We are all Damned in some way....

I took some time off this to get the initial interview in and do the fretting that comes with job hunting as you wait. But you can only wait so long before venting some steam. Today is a good day to vent, and I have a good one to share from my beliefs.

No matter how good a christian, muslim, jew, or other faith you believe yourself to be, we are all human, and thus fall short of the ideals of our religions. This goes doubly so for myself. I am trying to live better, do better, but still the little things trip me up. Let's face it, I will go to Hell for a cheeseburger, and by the Law, it is "verboten" as the Germans would say. Not to mention a pizza, chicken cordon bleu, and other mixings of foods that are expressly in the Bible/Torah as no-no's.

What I am out to say is tougher to get across than just that I am damned. We all are. Look, I can smack most folks with their own canon of faith. I have a list some where in this bag of chapters and verses most folks fail, and few can even abide the 10 Commandments, let alone all 613 in Numbers. Yeah, there is a whale of a lot of commandments, not a guppy that most folks envision. I don't believe that God has no mercy on us for failing, as long as we try. But we have to try, and not just pick and choose commandments, but keep to as many as we can, trying to keep all. Some no longer make sense, some seem foolish but have a grounding in science that we miss, others are just common sense.

Its not just the three monotheistics I am talking about here, either. At least Buddhism has it built in that we will fail, but still some act as if they have achieved perfection even in those type of faiths. That is what I am trying to say. We are doomed to fail, but as long as we try, and try to keep it all, we have a chance. But not if we pick and choose. You choose which of the commands of your faith you wish to follow, and claim to be just and perfect, you are going to burn with me, over the coals of Satan's Barbeque.

Yes, I say I am failing, the only way I will get into Heaven is if God issues a general amnesty over pizza and other meat and cheese mixtures, not to mention the miscegenation clauses of mixing gene pools. its all those mixed fruit cocktails and the like. Not to mention I smoke, drink and cuss... but I never found the exact commandments against those... just words saying to moderate them and not criticize others who fail, for we have our our shortcomings.

Now, if you don't mind, I am going to dream of the cheeseburger that will damn me to Hell for eternity, as I wait on the second interview call for a job I am trying to get. If I am lucky, I might actually have the cash soon to have the need to resist the temptation it represents.

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