Monday, August 29, 2011

Our National Shortcoming...

I hear the cries of the folks Irene flooded, and I sympathize, but the media forgot the real big flood this summer.

Parts of the Missouri River Valley are still under water, and have been since June. You folks back east can get a taste for what has happened in the midwest now. And I hope some of your claims get rejected for Irene just like the Great Corps Deluge of 2011 has bugged folks who had whole counties denied their disaster relief requests after the Corps of Engineers opened the gates of the dams, and their bloody levees failed. You can say what you want out there, but these folks lost sight of their land and roads back in June and its just now receding so they can see the higher parts.

There were two great inland seas this summer, one north of Omaha, and one south. Go to YouTube, hell, amatuers did a better job covering it than the media did. Oh, I'm sorry, did your sound bite driven ADHD personality just get offended by that, national media? Good.

Once upon a time, we had a real media, one that covered stories, was patient and not worried about the ratings of the news, and rarely covered the entertainment gossip save as a light thing on a slow day. We had local papers that covered all the minutes of the city council meetings, school board meetings, and all the other things we need to know about.

Not anymore. Or if they exist, they are too damned few and way too far between.

Look, the problems in this world don't start with what you neighbor is doing folks, but with that freak in the mirror. The one that cares more about the fashions of Lady Gag'me or how the Phats are playing, than about what is going on in local politics. When you accept that, start reading the papers, even if its the E-version, maybe the bozos behind the curtains will realize they bought that barrier from the dude who sold an Emperor some clothes.

The best way to transparency is you giving a damn enough to actually read or finding out yourself what your elected bozo's are doing.....
and my apologies to all clowns out there for insinuating they are as incompentant as politicians by the comparison.

And look at what happened to those counties in Iowa.... actually look and think about it.

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