Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dave's idea of a good foreign policy.

Why does everyone think I have to share THEIR politics, religion and dreams?

Hell if I know, damned if I give a rat's hindquarters about them either. Folks have disrespected my views as being to radical, too controversial, too idealistic, and when I dash that same cold water on them, the freak out. Too bad....

its time for you to know what I feel about foreign policy and why.

i am a limited isolationist. Limited in I realize we live in a big world, and crap spreads across borders, but I am tired of being the ones the world turns to for solving every problem. Espeicially as the world seems to think we Americans are pigs anyway.

The US of A needs to cut off financial aid to other countries to save our own butt, but we are too scared, even now, to do it. Look, had we cut aid to the developed countries of Europe a long time ago, some of them would have developed a much better fiscal policy. So, we start with this list here, UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy,Spain, Portugal, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands and Denmark, over the next three years, your monet gets cut in half, then after that, its payments for bases on your turf only, and we will kill a few of those too, cause you don't really seem to want us there. This is not a disolution of NATO, but us forcing you to step up to the plate. You want actions, from now on, you have to get your hands dirty, we are in rebuild mode on our forces, after 10 years of non-stop grind on them.
The rest of Europe, you have 6 years, get your houses in order, we are cutting yours by 25% per year for the next 6 years, then pulling the plug to see if you live or die. Your choice folks, but the party on US dimes is over.

Africa, you get 10 years, 10% reductions, if you complain, the funds crash to zero, and you have to have real, democratic reforms. Middle East, ditto, but you have oil so guess what, 2 years.... that's all you get, all that anti-American hate just got cashed in, and guess what, we don't really like you either...

Asia, 5 years boys and girls, 20% reductions for all nations each year, Zero after that. Oh, and you children get matching trade tariffs, no more free trade deals...

Speaking of trade, the US will be withdrawing from the WTO... its just another way to make us open our markets and give you folks reasons to protect yours. We are sick and tired of it, so the hell with ya all.

Now, Isreal..... look, its up to you, but we don't have to save your asses. In fact the prophets all say some day you will be all on your own. We will turn on you, unless you lighten up, learn to truly negotiate, live and play fairly with others. I have NO problem with starting Armegeddon tomorrow, it would be a blessing in some ways, but to be fair, 5 years, tops... and that is on the same Asian cut down, 20% per year, and no more Vetos in the Security Council, we will Abstain from now on.... unless its a blatantly unfair move.

The rest of the Americas.... Guys, the Monroe Doctrine save most of you from things you could not imagine. But its over.. you are big kids now, and if what you do gets you an ass-whuppin, well, we will televise it in Prime Time as our new national sport, and laugh at your stupidity. Just stop exporting your criminals to us, or we will use your primest real estate as our new proving ground for anti-matter weapons.

Now, as to dealing with America: Don't. We are sick of the rest of you. You whine, cry and won't pull your weight. Learn to do so, and remember this, you kicked most of us out of your countries... and we are the rabid dogs who have used nukes in anger.

Yes, here it is, piss off or attach US interests, you get the city you reside in nuked. Gee, ain't that simple... don't like it, don't poke at us, and we will let you rot in you sewage that you were supposed to use the money we gave you to remove instead of invest in a portfolio for the leading members of your juntas.

Simple? Yes. Practical, no.

Look, this is what I want to do, not what we should do. A realist would approach me now with some ideas and an open mind to negotiations to meet halfway. And of course then Welsh on the whole deal in the end, thinking oh, the US won't hurt us. Like I said, we have Nukes, and we like using them. Keep breaking agreements, and see what our next offer is... it may be, oh, you want a nuclear bomb? Here ya go! Kra-THOOOM!

Meet us half way, keep your end of the deal, and stop acting like we are Satan, and you might get treated fairly in return. But world, you have a lot of bad attitude and pissed off citizens here to soothe and be nice to before you get fair receptions to your needs again.

One last thing, you Tea Party idjits and Libertarians, I find that your views, while similar, stink. so move along, and sotp trying to get me to join your paths... you fail on other points... which we will discuss in my internal policy ideas next time... after I get the stink of this off my flesh.

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