Sunday, September 21, 2014

A last rant, or three, before the silence falls

Several rants will drop after I lose my internet connection, scheduled in advance.

But only a few really matter. Like this one.

Folks like to call me lazy, say I'm just here with my hand out for freebies.

If this was true, then why did I not file immediately for unemployment, but instead live on what little savings I had, trying to find a job? If this is true, why have I never collected unemployment in my life? If this is true, why is it I not only drove on, keep filing job applications, instead of trying to find some loophole, like many others do, to collect the various funds for disabilities that can be real, or imagined?

All I asked of society was a job. Denied that, I was reduced to holding a sign to survive, to even use a bathroom first thing in the morning, many times.

So, here it is. Who is lazy, the guy who runs through his savings to survive off the dole, or that idiot who files each time, gets money each time, and then complains about others milking the very system they bitch about?

Have others in my family gotten such help? Yeah, but they are not me. I'm the dude who took his lumps, and stood his ground to get back on his feet each time. Not the fools who bitch about what others get, then takes the same thing, saying "but *I* deserve it.

Ask yourself this, folks. If I'm lazy, what the hell does that say about you, if you ever received the aid I was denied or eschewed?

Besides, it no longer matters. I've made a hellish choice, one that will set me at odds with everyone soon. You see, I no longer see a reason to remain part of a nation and society that kicks folks aside, just because it makes others profit, or to feel better.

Yeah, "Man Without a Country" time, people. My country turned its back on me, I turn mine on it. You can all go your merry way to Hell, floating along the toxic streams of media you like to spew at each other in that leaky hand-basket of your silly beliefs. Me, I'm headed into some hills, to leave you all to sink. I suggest those that intrude upon my solitude not get hurt or in a bind. After all, why should I help you if you do. The only reason I see for such is meeting the eyes in the mirror, and like most of you, I'm tired of doing that, so I'm not taking one with me.

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