Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Been a while

After a long summer, in which things at last began to turn around for me, I have some complaining still left in me. Not about the big issues, but little ones. Which make up those big ones.

Look, it only requires a few minutes to use your head, and hold back the road rage. Case in point, the unknown woman who screamed at my buddy and me, when stuck in the intersection after the yellow light, 'cause another jerk just had to race the red and win, we took a few extra seconds to move the FULLY LOADED TRAILER behind that under-powered Subaru on the left turn. My point, don't scream at the other victims. Save that for the jerks who never caught Gallagher in the days he harped on the real problem.  "Three people turn left on the yellow!" seems to have never spread out of the 80's, sadly.

So,  watch who you yell at, folks. After all, there might be a blogger with rage of their own you scream profanities at, only to find yourself outed to all as the very word you screeched, foolishly, at the other victim, who only wanted to avoid the folks in the straight on lanes from t-boning them.

Well, that is all. Yeah, getting a place to stay inside at has mellowed me. For now. I'm positive some moron politician will raise my ire soon, or pundit, perchance a idiot driver or dozen score.

Remember, I'm out there, I blog, and sometimes, I even yield to temptations, such as posting the license plates of such fools.

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