Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Some thoughts.

Having shot off my mouth yesterday, I find the urge to do so again riding high.

So, The complainer is back. But, with some exposition of his stances on things.

Today, I'm on my normal tear against politics. Murky waters you can walk across, if you have the guts and spare clothes to don after finding one of the barely crusted over areas, slide into the mud those folks sling, which is mostly manure, not mud.

Face it, our political system is broken. This is not the first time we've had to fix it, but other than after the two big periods of civil unrest, that was mostly preventative maintenance, not "oh crap, we ruined it" moments.

I keep hearing folks gripe about mob rule, screaming about corporate rule, about everything under the sun. And not a single thing I've seen set forward actually fixes the real problem, the voter apathy problems that in the end keep the status quo.

The source of this is something society has to fix in itself, not in our politics. It is the culture of extremist views, not just left, not just right, that drive our politics, and condemn the middle ground folks as "wafflers" or "gutless".

Takes more guts to wade in, find something that makes both sides unhappy, but works than it does to stand on the sidelines screaming, people. Far more guts. Yes, sometimes an extreme view is needed, but not on every damned issue, like so often happens of late.

We need a third, maybe even a few other, parties, with clout, guts, and determination.

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