This is something I need to address. (Fair warning to those who really know my, the "brain cooling fins" called my hair are fully deployed, so this may get ornery.)
Yes, I have been prone to complaining about the economic and political systems of late. Mainly because I have too much time on my hands, and social media and blogs have indeed for me replaced the coffee cup and table at a local cafe for complaining about things. It means that more folks will see/hear my views, and unlike the table at the cafe, it will stay there for much longer.
But who does not complain about how things are going? Hook yourself up to a lie detector before you answer "Not me", cause you are deluding yourselves. We all complain and spout off our views on subjects. And we all have at least one crackpot idea, if not more according to those who hear them. This is part of human nature. If we don't do it in a normal voice, we shout it in rage like mobs and the Tea Party, or we grumble under our breath as we walk away in disgust. You can deny it to your hearts content, but we all complain, unless we are reduced to a vegetative state.
So, why is it that some complainers are marked as crazy? Simple, you feel it can change by your pointing it out. Everyone else is too busy trying live out the motto "You can't fight City Hall", giving in to what the political wanks (hey, is that short for wanker? Cause I heard that is a very nasty thing to call someone overseas) want versus what is right and good for all. This is the problem here in the States, we gave up control of our democratic republic to the hands of a few families, and now believe we cannot take that power back. The hell we can't!
All it takes is for folks to realize that the power in America lies in "We The People", not "We The Corporate Jerks". This is what makes me crazy? Fighting the System? Ever appealled your property tax evaluation? Guess what, by that same standard, you are as crazy and disturbed as I am. I will resist the urge to do the social media abbreviations here, and instead tell you that the look on your face right now would make me laugh in a loud and obnoxious way, complete with a snort.
I have gotten tired of being the "nice, quiet boy". No, those are the psycho-killers, the mad bombers and other troubled elements of our society. Me, I am choosing to be a Loud Mouthted Jerk over the Small Mouthed Anarchist or Buck Pacifist most folks seem to desire. We tend to get more done, screaming and complaining about the rest of you as we do it, too. Get used to it, and realize, Loud Mouths sometimes have their own arsenal, and this is just one weapon I carry, this new fangled digital pen that until swords are unsheathed, is a mighty weapon. We all have it at our disposal, but like any other weapon, it all comes down to the skill of the one holding it. Guess this is one fight I may have to see who wins, over a long time to find the answer. Then again, as only my side is here, I may never know. Probably won't care either, as the bridges may get burnt to the point that the crossing point may never be used again.
Look, I will thank these folks who think I need "Mental Help" for one thing. Yes, I was frustrated and getting down a bit. You pissed me off, and I function best when mad as hell and striving to achieve my goals, then jam the results down the throats of those who irritated me. I have my rage stoked back, and that can sustain me for far longer than you who really only know a time capsule moment of me cannot understand. In the end, I may thank you, not for the suggestion, but for making me angry. What can I say, maybe like the Hulk I get stronger the angrier I get. I can embrace my inner rage, channel it, and make things happen with it. Can you say the same?
Well, in the end, coming back to the right to complain, I have heard lots of it from many sources over the years. Funny, ain't it. ALL OF US get tired of hearing others ideas and complaints. When you are ready to shut your yap, and do your part in the world, I will consider stopping my complaining and shooting off my mouth. Until then, don't like it, get earplugs, earmuffs, and stick your head back where you shouldn't have it. Triple hearing protection will be the only way besides being oblivious to everything around you to avoid having at least a rumble of my thundering get to you.
Or maybe, just once, listen to what I say and THINK about what I said. But that choice is for others, not me, to make. I got tired of your views being all we talk about folks. Either be willing to have it be a two way discussion about thoughts and views, or realize you spew as much of a well known "fertilizer" as either I do, or Congress produces. We ALL are full of BS and Hyporcrites in some way. Gaze deep in the Mirror of True Self, and try to lie to yourself. If you still can, fine, like I said, Have a Nice Life. If you can't, welcome to Reality.
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