Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some basics of my Politics

Enough of that maudlin, vindictive crap for now. Look, here are my views on politics.

We screwed it up, folks. All of us. Whether by not voting, voting for the same fools over and over, or not taking it seriously. (I admit to this. There is at least twice, rather than hold my nose or vote Green/Commie, I wrote in Mickey Mouse.) We the People have failed in our responsibility to rein in the fools in office at all levels, and lost our ability, or at least perceived ability, to do so. In order to take back government and make it once more "Of the people, by the people and for the people" will take one of three things at this point (four if you count a miracle of God).

1: A revolution or civil war (bloody, nasty, filthy things.... not worth the waste of bullets and more bad blood they breed. The South is still trying to take us down even now.) Yeah, right, only a damned fool wants this option.

2: A real Third Party, of moderates and those with open minds being formed and reaching out to the people for guidance not lobbyists and others with cash. Sure, it may seem stupid, but this is the kind of situation when 3rd parties have a chance, this time I hope we can keep one, and not have it become the lunatic fringe the Progressives turned into (and I might add, considering its stars, I was not surprised at their faded star).

3: The People waking up, and just not voting for the fools in office, forcing state and local term limits upon their elected officials and realizing they have to be knowledgable and aware of the issues at all levels. Again, not likely, but this would be the best way. Once you have their attention by being aware, showing up at council meetings, state legislative hearings and sessions, they know to be on their best behavior if they want to be sent back (which I still say is a mistake, vote the rats out is my motto).

For the Federal Government, only way to wake up those laggards will be to yank their chains hard. Vote against the incumbant, or make them amend the Constitution.

Speaking of amending that document, I do believe its past due, and we need 4 amendments for sure, just to end the status quo in Washington.

1> an amendment that states that Congress shall be the first to pay the price if they fail in their duty to get a budget done on time. Right now, no matter what, Congress gets paid. How about we make it so they get their pay stopped without chance of getting their backpay if they don't have a budget in place by September 15th. The whole budget, not some extension or such trickery. It can be suspended only by a major shooting war, or major disaster and then only for 60 days. But no pay, and suspend all benefits until it passes.

2> End the Dynasties. We need to state that a child cannot follow a parent into politics, for one reason, we need to spread out both the responsibility for the running of our governments. Other people who are just as worthy of the chance often are blocked by some dynastic child running these days. The skill is not in the blood, we saw that, look at the second Bush. Not the greatest at many things. He was probably okay as governor, but some one else would have done better at the disaster parts as being President.

3> Congress pay is set by them, but they are our employees. So, do you set your wage if you work for someone? We are the owners, and if they want a raise, it should be limited to a small percent and voted on by the majority of the people. I would prefer a super majority, but there are folks like me who would not give them a raise for a century or more out there, and that way lays corruption at the hands of lobbyists with deep pockets and money laundering abilities. We the People should have a say in how much they get paid from now on, as well as set their benefits. And this must be set in the common vernacular language of the time it is set on the ballot, so we don't have the vote no to say yes crap pulled on a lot of initiatives and ballot issues. Also, limit that pension to 4 years for Congress, 8 for President and 10 for the Court. Cabinet officials get only 2 years, but they can go back to work easier. Make it half pay though, its still more than they deserve, but will let them hire the security guards to please the Secret Service and prevent their assassinations or kidnapping.

4> Term limits for Congress, Cabinet service, and the Courts. I have no problem with the cout having a seat for 15 years, just to mix things up, but life needs to end. We also need to use this one to set a compentency standard or they are out. Compentency, no more I am barely here but my staff runs things quite well Senators sleeping in their chairs. Either they are still mentally there, or out they go, thanks for your service. Set the House to 5 terms (10 years is enough, go get a real job now bub), 3 terms for senate, and one term for the Court. Limit overall government service time to 25 to 30 years... about the same time we limit our military to.

I would be crazy as some think I am if I thought these could all be done overnight. Getting even one, especially the pay ones, will be an uphill battle. The state legislatures that are not already under these limits will balk at it, unless you rattle the ballot box a few times on them. I don't think we could get more than one, but even that one at least puts a collar on the beast called government, reminding them the People are their bosses, not pigeons and marks to be gulled or sheared at their pleasure.

Think it over folks. Am I still Crazy? Or am I saying something that makes a hell of a lot of sense? Remember, until now, I have been working at getting my ideas out in tweet or facebook sized thoughts, and failing due to a keyboard that sticks and that size constraint. I feel we all screwed it up, and its time to look in the mirror, admit it, and start fixing it, as a nation, a state, a county or parish, a town, a school district. Every level needs to be taken back, and given over only after great thought. Perhaps we should have a two week period with no sports, just to forment that. (Yeah, if we get it, I know I will have a very short life span from the fanatics out there.) Its our nation. But only if we accept the responsibility and take the time to learn the issues, and vote wisely.

Oh, and you Tea Party folks, Ron Paul fans and the like, no, I do not agree with your ideas enough to join forces with you, unless you embrace my call to bell the cat so we mice can keep our cheese. And even then, it will be on an issue by issue basis. I trust you as much as I trust the Rats in power now.......

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