Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tired of too much tech being shoved at me.

I have started to get a laugh out of the number of companies who feel I should have their app on the smartphone I don't own.....

No, I am not a Luddite, just broke and smart enough not to dig the hole deeper with gadgets and their gizmos that I cannot truthfully afford. But still, I get all these emails and popups, acting like if I don't get this app for my phone, I will be lost and confused. The only confusion I have is over why folks need all this stuff. We got by just fine before it came along, and some of us do not wish to move everything into the hands of Big Brother, where with a flip of the switch, its changed and edited to fit our new puppet masters' whims. Let me stay off the clouds for my data, let me have a full laptop as my smallest computing device and just a simple cell phone with text and voice only, no need for GPS, I have a compass folks, and know how to use landmarks.

Seriously, Why should I join you in the Tech Jungle? I like my set up, leave me an out, some way I can be comfortable, not always on edge about "is it charged? Can you hear me now?" Give me the option for a level of tech I have and desire, then accept those desires if I say "Enough! No more!".

I mean, seriously, if you cannot wait until I get to where I am headed to "tweet", "Comment" or Vidmessage me... you have the problem, not me. The same one the bunny from the old milk flavoring ads had... impatience.

Slow down, turn the ringers on the phone off, disconnect and lie in the sun or shade at the park someday. Trust me, if you do it once a week, and let folks know this is your relaxation hour.... you will be healthier, wiser, and smile as the silence falls.

And stop playing the baby sounds for your ring tones, it makes me want to move to an asteroid to get away from it and the idiots who them.

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