Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stock Markets are just nasty kids with ADHD

If you think I have a problem, take a look at the ADHD poster child called Wall Street. Everything has to be about the Markets and their hiccups and mood swings. They are just glorified Attention Whores, so used to being the leaders, they forget who really built this country. You want to know how the economy is really doing? Don't talk to these bozos, go find a farmer, a small business owner, a miner, any blue collar worker. Don't trust the dweebs in suits with stock portfolios to tell you what the country is in, talk to those victimized by their mood swings and the panics created by those actions.

You might get a surprise as to what needs to be done, and it won't be what the fat cats and other parasites of the corporate world think, even in their darkest nightmares.

Serious, do it. Stop listening to the talking heads, the annoying mouth pieces of talk radio and the others. Go talk to the folks taking it in the shorts in this economy, and see what they think of it and its prospects. Take your heart medication first.

Then go to the mirror and ask who is in a feeding frenzy or death spiral. Maybe we need a way to directly invest in local business more easily.... There used to be a stock market in every major city that traded the stocks of local companies, for local investment. Should we go back to that model? Up to you folks, I won't gamble that way anymore, but feel free to do so yourself.

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