Monday, August 22, 2011

Morals have a high cost, but one worth it.

Well, its interesting how many friends storm off when you gave them a taste of your own politics and views. The strangest part is this, I never had to start on their personal issues the way they did on mine. Makes me wonder who really is the disturbed one. But that is not going to stop me anymore. I am willing to risk it all now, lay things on the line with folks so they know just what I believe, and stop shooting their own mouths off around me as if I should agree with them.

First, lets talk about something I rarely do talk about. Stop acting like I have no morals. I do, if I did not, I would not be in this spot I am in. Yes, a stance I have taken on morals is what is getting me deeper into this mess, but not all of it is from my choices. The general downturn of the economy is a greater part of my long term unemployment. Let's face the truth here folks, times are tough, and there is a huge competition for each job opening. I took the leap as the short-lived revival was going this year. I am being bitten by the continued economic uncertainty, caused by actions in the markets I have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER slammed the brakes on every few weeks this spring and summer.

Yes, I have no control over the markets and banks. I am not a participant in the stock market, I no longer even have a bank account that is open. Flipping houses was not my thing, when I ran into those shows on TV, I kept pointing out it was a bad thing for the economy, causing rampant inflation that priced more folks out of the market each time. This was not my train wreck folks, but the cars jumped off the track and ruined my little piece of the world in a way I am not happy about.

But this is about the morals that others preach, but only I seem to practice. So many folks scream about those who get welfare, food stamps, unemployment and other assistances as lazy folks. These same folks have their hand out for every damned dime they can get from those programs when they qualify, acting as if trying not to pay for them, they still deserve everything they can get, and then some.

Here is the moral issue, I have held that those programs and assistances are for the truly disabled, people with small children, women and the elderly. So, me not getting them is not what irks me most, its that politicians still got paid for their incompetant performance this year with our economy and budgets, while so many of those programs took it in the shorts. I am not getting those assistances, and the only one I really want is a job. Don't tell me about the various job finding things out there, I did register, and got not a single damned notice of jobs from them. You have to be on the dole to trigger those, and I never got a job through one of those anyway. It was always me, going out and dropping the applications that got me a job.

Note, it is my moral stance, that I am not elderly (and I define that by the retirement age for this), not a woman, don't have children or other financial dependents (and those who count their pets are truly the ones needing medication, not me), and I do not have a disablity that prevents me from working. Unless having morals, taking a stand on them and trying to keep the line as I do is a disablity. If so, I can name some others with similar problems, who like and don't have a history of bad reactions to pharmaceuticals out there to try your meds on.

So here is the question, who is the better bet to hire, the guy robbing his current employer of productivity as he applies with you for a job, or the one whose morals make it so he goes hungry from time to time rather than take the food from the mouths of those more needy? Think it over.... and if you chose the first guy, you have to face you god and the face in the mirror. Best of luck with that.

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