Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dave's idea of a good foreign policy.

Why does everyone think I have to share THEIR politics, religion and dreams?

Hell if I know, damned if I give a rat's hindquarters about them either. Folks have disrespected my views as being to radical, too controversial, too idealistic, and when I dash that same cold water on them, the freak out. Too bad....

its time for you to know what I feel about foreign policy and why.

i am a limited isolationist. Limited in I realize we live in a big world, and crap spreads across borders, but I am tired of being the ones the world turns to for solving every problem. Espeicially as the world seems to think we Americans are pigs anyway.

The US of A needs to cut off financial aid to other countries to save our own butt, but we are too scared, even now, to do it. Look, had we cut aid to the developed countries of Europe a long time ago, some of them would have developed a much better fiscal policy. So, we start with this list here, UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy,Spain, Portugal, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands and Denmark, over the next three years, your monet gets cut in half, then after that, its payments for bases on your turf only, and we will kill a few of those too, cause you don't really seem to want us there. This is not a disolution of NATO, but us forcing you to step up to the plate. You want actions, from now on, you have to get your hands dirty, we are in rebuild mode on our forces, after 10 years of non-stop grind on them.
The rest of Europe, you have 6 years, get your houses in order, we are cutting yours by 25% per year for the next 6 years, then pulling the plug to see if you live or die. Your choice folks, but the party on US dimes is over.

Africa, you get 10 years, 10% reductions, if you complain, the funds crash to zero, and you have to have real, democratic reforms. Middle East, ditto, but you have oil so guess what, 2 years.... that's all you get, all that anti-American hate just got cashed in, and guess what, we don't really like you either...

Asia, 5 years boys and girls, 20% reductions for all nations each year, Zero after that. Oh, and you children get matching trade tariffs, no more free trade deals...

Speaking of trade, the US will be withdrawing from the WTO... its just another way to make us open our markets and give you folks reasons to protect yours. We are sick and tired of it, so the hell with ya all.

Now, Isreal..... look, its up to you, but we don't have to save your asses. In fact the prophets all say some day you will be all on your own. We will turn on you, unless you lighten up, learn to truly negotiate, live and play fairly with others. I have NO problem with starting Armegeddon tomorrow, it would be a blessing in some ways, but to be fair, 5 years, tops... and that is on the same Asian cut down, 20% per year, and no more Vetos in the Security Council, we will Abstain from now on.... unless its a blatantly unfair move.

The rest of the Americas.... Guys, the Monroe Doctrine save most of you from things you could not imagine. But its over.. you are big kids now, and if what you do gets you an ass-whuppin, well, we will televise it in Prime Time as our new national sport, and laugh at your stupidity. Just stop exporting your criminals to us, or we will use your primest real estate as our new proving ground for anti-matter weapons.

Now, as to dealing with America: Don't. We are sick of the rest of you. You whine, cry and won't pull your weight. Learn to do so, and remember this, you kicked most of us out of your countries... and we are the rabid dogs who have used nukes in anger.

Yes, here it is, piss off or attach US interests, you get the city you reside in nuked. Gee, ain't that simple... don't like it, don't poke at us, and we will let you rot in you sewage that you were supposed to use the money we gave you to remove instead of invest in a portfolio for the leading members of your juntas.

Simple? Yes. Practical, no.

Look, this is what I want to do, not what we should do. A realist would approach me now with some ideas and an open mind to negotiations to meet halfway. And of course then Welsh on the whole deal in the end, thinking oh, the US won't hurt us. Like I said, we have Nukes, and we like using them. Keep breaking agreements, and see what our next offer is... it may be, oh, you want a nuclear bomb? Here ya go! Kra-THOOOM!

Meet us half way, keep your end of the deal, and stop acting like we are Satan, and you might get treated fairly in return. But world, you have a lot of bad attitude and pissed off citizens here to soothe and be nice to before you get fair receptions to your needs again.

One last thing, you Tea Party idjits and Libertarians, I find that your views, while similar, stink. so move along, and sotp trying to get me to join your paths... you fail on other points... which we will discuss in my internal policy ideas next time... after I get the stink of this off my flesh.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I don't need drugs even if you do.

I have a couple of topics to deal with today, but will try not to blend them all into one big mishmash. It may not go over well,

As so many folks over the years have accused me of doing drugs, its time to clear the air, permanently, on the record, and smack them into the wall, face first.

Just because you have or had a drug use issue, does not mean I do, did or ever will. I have never taken more than a prescription drug, and don't even like those much. I have over-reacted to most meds given me in the past, even simple anti-biotics. I don't drink constantly, I either drink for social comeraderie, or to ease a physical pain or dull emotions for a short while. I can live without my pipe, even though I would prefer to have it just as it reminds me of someone I wish I was wired more like than not.

The funny thing is this. those who make these accusations often have some substance abuse of their own that they deny or have set up on the altar of self pity that the addict recovery groups make. My vices are simple, I like a drink, I like a smoke, I love my ice cream and other junk foods. But, I can take them or leave them, as I please, to quote the words to M*A*S*H's theme song.

Look, in all my years of being on this planet, one thing has come down to me. Over two thirds of the folks I know use "recreational drugs", abuse their booze, or take perscription meds in amounts and methods not condoned by the FDA, their doctors, pharmacist, or common sense. Yet, these folks get jobs right beside me, and never get caught, even if they do something stupid.

Take the job where the buddy of the boss I could not fire when I was in charge, got my position, I had to still do all the work, while he screwed off and sold drugs out the side door of the company. His brother was part of the deal, even though he never got caught, and in the end, he got the job, and I was out the door, even after the cops came looking for the dealer. If I had been allowed to fire the two idiots for insubordination when I tried, things would have been different, but I don't have a flux capacitor, and can't afford a deLorean.

Too many times, I am surrounded by those who despite breaking the laws about drugs, who get drunk too much and at the wrong times, and lost something, usually my temper, sometimes my job, and often the respect of others. I am not the one screwing up first, but I pay the price.

I have had friends and family who were alcoholics, dated women who washed down anti-depressants with booze while telling me *I* needed medication, and been surrounded by more folks who faked for their drug tests than I care to dream about. I had several bosses and co-workers who damned near maimed or killed me with their working under the influence, or managed to hurt someone else. Yet in the end, the druggies kept their jobs most times, their positions in society, their lives, and I lost everything. Not the way it should have been, the way most folks say it is. No, its the ones who walk the straight and narrow, who don't come to work drunk/stoned or hungover that tend to pay the biggest price. We are the ones the others hurt, kill, or leave in such a rage over their behavior and the failure of society to punish them that we take the beating for not being sensitive to their needs.

What about my needs? Huh, jackasses? Look, this is all I am going to say. If businesses want to save a ton of money, ditch those drug tests. You rarely catch the users, and all it does is encourage them to get more radical in their usage and demands that we accept their endangering their co-workers. And can that crap about tolerance of their medical condition and allowing them rehab if it causes an accident or they get busted using on property. Just fire their asses when you do catch them. Those of us who obey the rules will thank you.

To the rest of you, if you do drugs, walk away from me, don't tell me about it. If you do, I will let you get what you deserve, and refuse to hit the safety stop from now on. You made the choice, live with the consequences. Or die with them. I refuse to support you and your lifestyles.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We are all Damned in some way....

I took some time off this to get the initial interview in and do the fretting that comes with job hunting as you wait. But you can only wait so long before venting some steam. Today is a good day to vent, and I have a good one to share from my beliefs.

No matter how good a christian, muslim, jew, or other faith you believe yourself to be, we are all human, and thus fall short of the ideals of our religions. This goes doubly so for myself. I am trying to live better, do better, but still the little things trip me up. Let's face it, I will go to Hell for a cheeseburger, and by the Law, it is "verboten" as the Germans would say. Not to mention a pizza, chicken cordon bleu, and other mixings of foods that are expressly in the Bible/Torah as no-no's.

What I am out to say is tougher to get across than just that I am damned. We all are. Look, I can smack most folks with their own canon of faith. I have a list some where in this bag of chapters and verses most folks fail, and few can even abide the 10 Commandments, let alone all 613 in Numbers. Yeah, there is a whale of a lot of commandments, not a guppy that most folks envision. I don't believe that God has no mercy on us for failing, as long as we try. But we have to try, and not just pick and choose commandments, but keep to as many as we can, trying to keep all. Some no longer make sense, some seem foolish but have a grounding in science that we miss, others are just common sense.

Its not just the three monotheistics I am talking about here, either. At least Buddhism has it built in that we will fail, but still some act as if they have achieved perfection even in those type of faiths. That is what I am trying to say. We are doomed to fail, but as long as we try, and try to keep it all, we have a chance. But not if we pick and choose. You choose which of the commands of your faith you wish to follow, and claim to be just and perfect, you are going to burn with me, over the coals of Satan's Barbeque.

Yes, I say I am failing, the only way I will get into Heaven is if God issues a general amnesty over pizza and other meat and cheese mixtures, not to mention the miscegenation clauses of mixing gene pools. its all those mixed fruit cocktails and the like. Not to mention I smoke, drink and cuss... but I never found the exact commandments against those... just words saying to moderate them and not criticize others who fail, for we have our our shortcomings.

Now, if you don't mind, I am going to dream of the cheeseburger that will damn me to Hell for eternity, as I wait on the second interview call for a job I am trying to get. If I am lucky, I might actually have the cash soon to have the need to resist the temptation it represents.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Our National Shortcoming...

I hear the cries of the folks Irene flooded, and I sympathize, but the media forgot the real big flood this summer.

Parts of the Missouri River Valley are still under water, and have been since June. You folks back east can get a taste for what has happened in the midwest now. And I hope some of your claims get rejected for Irene just like the Great Corps Deluge of 2011 has bugged folks who had whole counties denied their disaster relief requests after the Corps of Engineers opened the gates of the dams, and their bloody levees failed. You can say what you want out there, but these folks lost sight of their land and roads back in June and its just now receding so they can see the higher parts.

There were two great inland seas this summer, one north of Omaha, and one south. Go to YouTube, hell, amatuers did a better job covering it than the media did. Oh, I'm sorry, did your sound bite driven ADHD personality just get offended by that, national media? Good.

Once upon a time, we had a real media, one that covered stories, was patient and not worried about the ratings of the news, and rarely covered the entertainment gossip save as a light thing on a slow day. We had local papers that covered all the minutes of the city council meetings, school board meetings, and all the other things we need to know about.

Not anymore. Or if they exist, they are too damned few and way too far between.

Look, the problems in this world don't start with what you neighbor is doing folks, but with that freak in the mirror. The one that cares more about the fashions of Lady Gag'me or how the Phats are playing, than about what is going on in local politics. When you accept that, start reading the papers, even if its the E-version, maybe the bozos behind the curtains will realize they bought that barrier from the dude who sold an Emperor some clothes.

The best way to transparency is you giving a damn enough to actually read or finding out yourself what your elected bozo's are doing.....
and my apologies to all clowns out there for insinuating they are as incompentant as politicians by the comparison.

And look at what happened to those counties in Iowa.... actually look and think about it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hair, the new Green Energy source????

There are three things guaranteed to me in this life....

First, I will continue to have women offer me money to keep my clothes on.

Second, folks will after hearing me pay me not to sing.

Third, My hair will refuse to lay flat when I need it to stay down.

While one and two I never see a payoff on as I never persist until the moeny hits the table and I can pocket it, I have a weird idea about #3... Can I harness whatever power makes my hair stand up no matter the substance used to make it quiet? How many watts or ergs, or whatever method of energy measurement you wish to apply, does it create?

This all comes from the age old battle I have of getting my hair to lie flat during important moments, like interviews. Today, when I had one, the right and left spray affect was going, and it only decided to behave in the last few hours of the day. Well, at least most of it, the center could no longer hold, out that is, and decided to stand up now so I have one of those Dennis the Menace rooster tail's going. Yeah, at my age, my hair still acts like its only in the kid era of its life. Which gives me hope, could I live a long life due to this?

Yes, I know, this is not what anyone may have suspected from me today, but whats on my mind is what is going here, not what's on yours... get your own blog to perform memory dumps and thought spills on if you don't like it.

Back to the energy I could generate (yes, I am joking but still, run with me here, will ya?), think of how Green it would be, natural static electricity, harnessed by some broadcast means (I refuse to be tethered to a Hitenshion line), and trasnitted to the masses for power... I should be able to generate at least a watt an hour, so figure, less than one one hundreth of a cent....

Never mind, sounds suspiciously like one of those work at home ads... its got to have a catch... besides, if my hair is not standing up in the morning, I might walk into reflective surfaces, failing to realize that is me coming towards..... well, me?

Ah well... it was just an idea...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tired of too much tech being shoved at me.

I have started to get a laugh out of the number of companies who feel I should have their app on the smartphone I don't own.....

No, I am not a Luddite, just broke and smart enough not to dig the hole deeper with gadgets and their gizmos that I cannot truthfully afford. But still, I get all these emails and popups, acting like if I don't get this app for my phone, I will be lost and confused. The only confusion I have is over why folks need all this stuff. We got by just fine before it came along, and some of us do not wish to move everything into the hands of Big Brother, where with a flip of the switch, its changed and edited to fit our new puppet masters' whims. Let me stay off the clouds for my data, let me have a full laptop as my smallest computing device and just a simple cell phone with text and voice only, no need for GPS, I have a compass folks, and know how to use landmarks.

Seriously, Why should I join you in the Tech Jungle? I like my set up, leave me an out, some way I can be comfortable, not always on edge about "is it charged? Can you hear me now?" Give me the option for a level of tech I have and desire, then accept those desires if I say "Enough! No more!".

I mean, seriously, if you cannot wait until I get to where I am headed to "tweet", "Comment" or Vidmessage me... you have the problem, not me. The same one the bunny from the old milk flavoring ads had... impatience.

Slow down, turn the ringers on the phone off, disconnect and lie in the sun or shade at the park someday. Trust me, if you do it once a week, and let folks know this is your relaxation hour.... you will be healthier, wiser, and smile as the silence falls.

And stop playing the baby sounds for your ring tones, it makes me want to move to an asteroid to get away from it and the idiots who them.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Morals have a high cost, but one worth it.

Well, its interesting how many friends storm off when you gave them a taste of your own politics and views. The strangest part is this, I never had to start on their personal issues the way they did on mine. Makes me wonder who really is the disturbed one. But that is not going to stop me anymore. I am willing to risk it all now, lay things on the line with folks so they know just what I believe, and stop shooting their own mouths off around me as if I should agree with them.

First, lets talk about something I rarely do talk about. Stop acting like I have no morals. I do, if I did not, I would not be in this spot I am in. Yes, a stance I have taken on morals is what is getting me deeper into this mess, but not all of it is from my choices. The general downturn of the economy is a greater part of my long term unemployment. Let's face the truth here folks, times are tough, and there is a huge competition for each job opening. I took the leap as the short-lived revival was going this year. I am being bitten by the continued economic uncertainty, caused by actions in the markets I have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER slammed the brakes on every few weeks this spring and summer.

Yes, I have no control over the markets and banks. I am not a participant in the stock market, I no longer even have a bank account that is open. Flipping houses was not my thing, when I ran into those shows on TV, I kept pointing out it was a bad thing for the economy, causing rampant inflation that priced more folks out of the market each time. This was not my train wreck folks, but the cars jumped off the track and ruined my little piece of the world in a way I am not happy about.

But this is about the morals that others preach, but only I seem to practice. So many folks scream about those who get welfare, food stamps, unemployment and other assistances as lazy folks. These same folks have their hand out for every damned dime they can get from those programs when they qualify, acting as if trying not to pay for them, they still deserve everything they can get, and then some.

Here is the moral issue, I have held that those programs and assistances are for the truly disabled, people with small children, women and the elderly. So, me not getting them is not what irks me most, its that politicians still got paid for their incompetant performance this year with our economy and budgets, while so many of those programs took it in the shorts. I am not getting those assistances, and the only one I really want is a job. Don't tell me about the various job finding things out there, I did register, and got not a single damned notice of jobs from them. You have to be on the dole to trigger those, and I never got a job through one of those anyway. It was always me, going out and dropping the applications that got me a job.

Note, it is my moral stance, that I am not elderly (and I define that by the retirement age for this), not a woman, don't have children or other financial dependents (and those who count their pets are truly the ones needing medication, not me), and I do not have a disablity that prevents me from working. Unless having morals, taking a stand on them and trying to keep the line as I do is a disablity. If so, I can name some others with similar problems, who like and don't have a history of bad reactions to pharmaceuticals out there to try your meds on.

So here is the question, who is the better bet to hire, the guy robbing his current employer of productivity as he applies with you for a job, or the one whose morals make it so he goes hungry from time to time rather than take the food from the mouths of those more needy? Think it over.... and if you chose the first guy, you have to face you god and the face in the mirror. Best of luck with that.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stock Markets are just nasty kids with ADHD

If you think I have a problem, take a look at the ADHD poster child called Wall Street. Everything has to be about the Markets and their hiccups and mood swings. They are just glorified Attention Whores, so used to being the leaders, they forget who really built this country. You want to know how the economy is really doing? Don't talk to these bozos, go find a farmer, a small business owner, a miner, any blue collar worker. Don't trust the dweebs in suits with stock portfolios to tell you what the country is in, talk to those victimized by their mood swings and the panics created by those actions.

You might get a surprise as to what needs to be done, and it won't be what the fat cats and other parasites of the corporate world think, even in their darkest nightmares.

Serious, do it. Stop listening to the talking heads, the annoying mouth pieces of talk radio and the others. Go talk to the folks taking it in the shorts in this economy, and see what they think of it and its prospects. Take your heart medication first.

Then go to the mirror and ask who is in a feeding frenzy or death spiral. Maybe we need a way to directly invest in local business more easily.... There used to be a stock market in every major city that traded the stocks of local companies, for local investment. Should we go back to that model? Up to you folks, I won't gamble that way anymore, but feel free to do so yourself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some basics of my Politics

Enough of that maudlin, vindictive crap for now. Look, here are my views on politics.

We screwed it up, folks. All of us. Whether by not voting, voting for the same fools over and over, or not taking it seriously. (I admit to this. There is at least twice, rather than hold my nose or vote Green/Commie, I wrote in Mickey Mouse.) We the People have failed in our responsibility to rein in the fools in office at all levels, and lost our ability, or at least perceived ability, to do so. In order to take back government and make it once more "Of the people, by the people and for the people" will take one of three things at this point (four if you count a miracle of God).

1: A revolution or civil war (bloody, nasty, filthy things.... not worth the waste of bullets and more bad blood they breed. The South is still trying to take us down even now.) Yeah, right, only a damned fool wants this option.

2: A real Third Party, of moderates and those with open minds being formed and reaching out to the people for guidance not lobbyists and others with cash. Sure, it may seem stupid, but this is the kind of situation when 3rd parties have a chance, this time I hope we can keep one, and not have it become the lunatic fringe the Progressives turned into (and I might add, considering its stars, I was not surprised at their faded star).

3: The People waking up, and just not voting for the fools in office, forcing state and local term limits upon their elected officials and realizing they have to be knowledgable and aware of the issues at all levels. Again, not likely, but this would be the best way. Once you have their attention by being aware, showing up at council meetings, state legislative hearings and sessions, they know to be on their best behavior if they want to be sent back (which I still say is a mistake, vote the rats out is my motto).

For the Federal Government, only way to wake up those laggards will be to yank their chains hard. Vote against the incumbant, or make them amend the Constitution.

Speaking of amending that document, I do believe its past due, and we need 4 amendments for sure, just to end the status quo in Washington.

1> an amendment that states that Congress shall be the first to pay the price if they fail in their duty to get a budget done on time. Right now, no matter what, Congress gets paid. How about we make it so they get their pay stopped without chance of getting their backpay if they don't have a budget in place by September 15th. The whole budget, not some extension or such trickery. It can be suspended only by a major shooting war, or major disaster and then only for 60 days. But no pay, and suspend all benefits until it passes.

2> End the Dynasties. We need to state that a child cannot follow a parent into politics, for one reason, we need to spread out both the responsibility for the running of our governments. Other people who are just as worthy of the chance often are blocked by some dynastic child running these days. The skill is not in the blood, we saw that, look at the second Bush. Not the greatest at many things. He was probably okay as governor, but some one else would have done better at the disaster parts as being President.

3> Congress pay is set by them, but they are our employees. So, do you set your wage if you work for someone? We are the owners, and if they want a raise, it should be limited to a small percent and voted on by the majority of the people. I would prefer a super majority, but there are folks like me who would not give them a raise for a century or more out there, and that way lays corruption at the hands of lobbyists with deep pockets and money laundering abilities. We the People should have a say in how much they get paid from now on, as well as set their benefits. And this must be set in the common vernacular language of the time it is set on the ballot, so we don't have the vote no to say yes crap pulled on a lot of initiatives and ballot issues. Also, limit that pension to 4 years for Congress, 8 for President and 10 for the Court. Cabinet officials get only 2 years, but they can go back to work easier. Make it half pay though, its still more than they deserve, but will let them hire the security guards to please the Secret Service and prevent their assassinations or kidnapping.

4> Term limits for Congress, Cabinet service, and the Courts. I have no problem with the cout having a seat for 15 years, just to mix things up, but life needs to end. We also need to use this one to set a compentency standard or they are out. Compentency, no more I am barely here but my staff runs things quite well Senators sleeping in their chairs. Either they are still mentally there, or out they go, thanks for your service. Set the House to 5 terms (10 years is enough, go get a real job now bub), 3 terms for senate, and one term for the Court. Limit overall government service time to 25 to 30 years... about the same time we limit our military to.

I would be crazy as some think I am if I thought these could all be done overnight. Getting even one, especially the pay ones, will be an uphill battle. The state legislatures that are not already under these limits will balk at it, unless you rattle the ballot box a few times on them. I don't think we could get more than one, but even that one at least puts a collar on the beast called government, reminding them the People are their bosses, not pigeons and marks to be gulled or sheared at their pleasure.

Think it over folks. Am I still Crazy? Or am I saying something that makes a hell of a lot of sense? Remember, until now, I have been working at getting my ideas out in tweet or facebook sized thoughts, and failing due to a keyboard that sticks and that size constraint. I feel we all screwed it up, and its time to look in the mirror, admit it, and start fixing it, as a nation, a state, a county or parish, a town, a school district. Every level needs to be taken back, and given over only after great thought. Perhaps we should have a two week period with no sports, just to forment that. (Yeah, if we get it, I know I will have a very short life span from the fanatics out there.) Its our nation. But only if we accept the responsibility and take the time to learn the issues, and vote wisely.

Oh, and you Tea Party folks, Ron Paul fans and the like, no, I do not agree with your ideas enough to join forces with you, unless you embrace my call to bell the cat so we mice can keep our cheese. And even then, it will be on an issue by issue basis. I trust you as much as I trust the Rats in power now.......

Complaining is the Norm, not Abbey-Normal!

This is something I need to address. (Fair warning to those who really know my, the "brain cooling fins" called my hair are fully deployed, so this may get ornery.)

Yes, I have been prone to complaining about the economic and political systems of late. Mainly because I have too much time on my hands, and social media and blogs have indeed for me replaced the coffee cup and table at a local cafe for complaining about things. It means that more folks will see/hear my views, and unlike the table at the cafe, it will stay there for much longer.

But who does not complain about how things are going? Hook yourself up to a lie detector before you answer "Not me", cause you are deluding yourselves. We all complain and spout off our views on subjects. And we all have at least one crackpot idea, if not more according to those who hear them. This is part of human nature. If we don't do it in a normal voice, we shout it in rage like mobs and the Tea Party, or we grumble under our breath as we walk away in disgust. You can deny it to your hearts content, but we all complain, unless we are reduced to a vegetative state.

So, why is it that some complainers are marked as crazy? Simple, you feel it can change by your pointing it out. Everyone else is too busy trying live out the motto "You can't fight City Hall", giving in to what the political wanks (hey, is that short for wanker? Cause I heard that is a very nasty thing to call someone overseas) want versus what is right and good for all. This is the problem here in the States, we gave up control of our democratic republic to the hands of a few families, and now believe we cannot take that power back. The hell we can't!

All it takes is for folks to realize that the power in America lies in "We The People", not "We The Corporate Jerks". This is what makes me crazy? Fighting the System? Ever appealled your property tax evaluation? Guess what, by that same standard, you are as crazy and disturbed as I am. I will resist the urge to do the social media abbreviations here, and instead tell you that the look on your face right now would make me laugh in a loud and obnoxious way, complete with a snort.

I have gotten tired of being the "nice, quiet boy". No, those are the psycho-killers, the mad bombers and other troubled elements of our society. Me, I am choosing to be a Loud Mouthted Jerk over the Small Mouthed Anarchist or Buck Pacifist most folks seem to desire. We tend to get more done, screaming and complaining about the rest of you as we do it, too. Get used to it, and realize, Loud Mouths sometimes have their own arsenal, and this is just one weapon I carry, this new fangled digital pen that until swords are unsheathed, is a mighty weapon. We all have it at our disposal, but like any other weapon, it all comes down to the skill of the one holding it. Guess this is one fight I may have to see who wins, over a long time to find the answer. Then again, as only my side is here, I may never know. Probably won't care either, as the bridges may get burnt to the point that the crossing point may never be used again.

Look, I will thank these folks who think I need "Mental Help" for one thing. Yes, I was frustrated and getting down a bit. You pissed me off, and I function best when mad as hell and striving to achieve my goals, then jam the results down the throats of those who irritated me. I have my rage stoked back, and that can sustain me for far longer than you who really only know a time capsule moment of me cannot understand. In the end, I may thank you, not for the suggestion, but for making me angry. What can I say, maybe like the Hulk I get stronger the angrier I get. I can embrace my inner rage, channel it, and make things happen with it. Can you say the same?

Well, in the end, coming back to the right to complain, I have heard lots of it from many sources over the years. Funny, ain't it. ALL OF US get tired of hearing others ideas and complaints. When you are ready to shut your yap, and do your part in the world, I will consider stopping my complaining and shooting off my mouth. Until then, don't like it, get earplugs, earmuffs, and stick your head back where you shouldn't have it. Triple hearing protection will be the only way besides being oblivious to everything around you to avoid having at least a rumble of my thundering get to you.

Or maybe, just once, listen to what I say and THINK about what I said. But that choice is for others, not me, to make. I got tired of your views being all we talk about folks. Either be willing to have it be a two way discussion about thoughts and views, or realize you spew as much of a well known "fertilizer" as either I do, or Congress produces. We ALL are full of BS and Hyporcrites in some way. Gaze deep in the Mirror of True Self, and try to lie to yourself. If you still can, fine, like I said, Have a Nice Life. If you can't, welcome to Reality.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Blames, Consequences and Roads - a philosophical break and probably loss of friends.

Amazing isn't it. When someone blasts you and you fire back, they act like everything is your fault. That your were to always be the bigger man, turn that cheek and let them get away with what they always have.

As I left that last post, I was irritated, but took the blame for things, and I still do, with one minor revision. Major, actually. Every break of bonds has blame on both sides. And it is a fifty-fifty share, not biased as some say. Yes, I have made mistakes, but as I pointed out, so have others, in assumptions and other actions towards me over the years. These things do build up, you may laugh or storm at that as you please. I could care less now. I drew a line in a piece of cement this time, not sand. Crossing it is not death, injury or even humiliation (unless self inflicted from now on), only a set of words very anagulous to a quote from Blazing Saddles. "Son, you're on your own." After all, its what everyone wanted, for me to be on my own, out of their hair. So you cross the line, you get your wish, in steam shovel loads. Not just me out of your hair, but out of your life.

Not everyone seems happy about this. But, what the hell, its my life on this side, I can run or ruin it as I please.

Back to the point though. We all have blind spots about our own culpability in things. None of us, until we have that moment of enlightenment called hitting bottom or a wall, ever really acknowledge what our part in any mess is. This is where the change has to come, on all sides. I know this now. I am not sure if this is what upsets folks more, or if its telling them to pony up to their share of the burden as well. It really no longer matters. In the past, I burnt all my bridges, but folks got on me about that. I had to leave some inroad, some connections to the past. Especially in jobs.

No, actually, I don't. Look, if all we care about is our image, then we will never get anything done. Congress is a prime example of this, a place where everyone is more worried about getting re-elected than doing the job. Or worried about that book deal or commentator job, corporate position or chair at some foundation or university depends on their image. But nothing gets done in a sane way anymore. End the politics part, this is about life not that, but it was the best way to demonstrate the idea.

Take a deep breath. You can yell at my words on the screen or let it out in a sigh of regret, contemplation, or just loss.

Every action of every person causes a reaction, even if that reaction is delayed by some factor of time to the point that we cannot in our view points see the origins of the reaction. And those reactions become actions, et cetera, et cetera, chain reaction. Welcome to life. No, not everyone is willing to conform to what you believe, politically, socially, morally or otherwise. There may be periods when you have fellow travelers on the road of life, but the stretch of pavement you follow may have branches, forks, interchanges with more mainstream views, and interscetions with the trails of the extremists. You are not always in the right lane. You may even get lost. The universe knows I did for a long while. But I have my map out and am consulting it again.

MY MAP. Not Yours, not some guru's, not some preacher's nor some doctor of a science that really cannot be proven. No, just mine. The one marked with my notes, my explorations, MY Beliefs, My Choices, and the Consequences thereof. You have your own map, and the way we go now can take many options, the roads could be the same, be generally parallel with frequent or infrequent connections, or they could diverge into differing directions never to meet again or if they do in ways we cannot now fathom.

So, here it is, this is my words for those who are caught up in that moment. The line was crossed, its too late to take things back on both sides, we all share blame in this world, and one last thing. Regardless of which of the above ways the road you travel compares to the path I chose, enjoy the journey and have a good life. Your journey is yours, and you have your own map. They are not the same, though they all have a similar source, they come from our souls.

I cannot promise to see anyone again, for I don't know this cutoff, but it heads in the direction the trail I once followed did, and I never made the end of that trail, as I got swept aside in the traffic of a busy crossroad. I bear my burden and I will still complain, as even Job complained about his. Be careful as you journey in this life, don't lose your map, and don't worry about me, I have my map again, my compass is reading true again and on clear nights I can still read the stars, and follow the dippers to the lodestar, and hence know roughly where I am. I just hope at some stop on your journey, you realize there is an weight you bear, and adjust the load for your own mistakes, before the burden breaks you.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A response to those who think I am mentally disturbed.

How to tell this? Well only one way I guess, tell it straight, from my point of view, and let any who read it make their own decisions. I am laying this out there for all to read, and keeping the details as to identities scoured off as much as possible to protect the innocents, those caught in the crossfire and keep the onlookers guessing.

I am alienating some friends it seems.

They, like some of my family, think I just make mistakes and excuses for everything that is wrong in my life. Really? I could have sworn I admitted as to what got me unemployed, in fact, I have been BRUTALLY honest about that and other things. But it seems that is not enough. They feel I need to make changes, calm down (like I have the energy to be a raving lunatic, I have gotten precisely three meals this week, and one was only crackers, so bite me) and get on the right path. I might remind one of these folks that the only time he was on the right path was when I had a map and compass he had ribbed me about bringing along, incessantly. That person was very lucky that I always know where I stand, unless asleep or unconscious, and only shot my azimuths out of habit to reassure my companion. Funny, I even had the magnetic declination in my head even though it was not on the map.


Here are a few examples: I did not apply for certain jobs the past few weeks because they wanted a clean driving record or valid license. Reality is not I did not want a job, but that in this market, they can find someone who meets all their criteria. My record has a wreck two and a half years ago, not to mention my driver's license is now expired, and cannot be renewed due to my homeless situation. That person may not be the best for the job, but he makes the bean counters and others happy he does not increase costs. So, by not applying, and stating why, I was just making excuses. Put yourself in that employer's shoes, you have a choice, the guy who still works at another job and has a valid driver's license for your delivery job, or the homeless guy with the expired one? Yeah, you really had to stress over that, didn't you, the insurance company made that decision for you. So does the law, no license, you can't drive, so he's out. So why waste your own, and that company's time? But that is just an excuse... or so some fools have said.

Another is my old nemesis. They get upset that I quit a job before securing another. This one, they may be right in one sense, but again, how many of you wasted your previous employer's time and resources looking for and securing your current job while on their payroll? Use paid time off for that interview? Did you print that resume at work, on the QT? Take that call while not on break to schedule or do a phone or real interview? Find it cruising the web on your work computer? This one is a moral issue, one I have long held a firm opinion on, as few companies I have worked for have had me looking on company time. I usually quit, and take the days of vacation I never got to take off before looking even, to get that decompression time between jobs. Is it really fair? To that employer? To your co-workers who had to pick up the slack when you goofed off that way? That is an answer you have to make yourself. I am not perfect in this regard, three times I managed this, but in two of those cases, it was part time jobs, where one or the other offered full time first, and I accepted. The other, well, it was not a good step for me, the wrong job at the wrong company, and I was not at my best without that time off to decompress, reset my mind and attitudes. Sure, everyone else may do this, but it has not been my way, and its disrespectful, of your company and your co-workers.

It is also humorous to me that no matter what job I take, everyone thinks its the wrong job for me. Like they and they alone know my skill sets, experience, and which job environment I am best suited for. This is mostly from those who never worked in the same company as me, I note. Or family, but they fail to understand that I have to be comfortable in a corporate setting. These folks feel I stay too long at the places, never make full use of my talents, and seem reluctant to leave. That I read too much into what folks tell me (this one, I admit, I do, but at the same time, you folks have as well at your own jobs and lives). Yet, no one really takes a deep look at what it is I am showing. You have to give every job a chance, and let it grow into you. Funny, these same folks are the ones complaining I have not had a long term job (I have, just not in the time they have known me). No decision is right. None. So, look, go ruin your own lives, I am doing just fine ruining mine without help. Not all your decisions have been for the best either, people. Stop planning my career for me, especially without a thorough understanding of my skills and comfort zone. Many of you left careers in the past as well, and get defensive when I have asked why you won't go back. If I do the same, I am being unreasonable, strange as that seems to me.

Still need more? Really? Sure it won't offend you? Fine, here we go.

Stop telling me how to have my hair cut. I know what length it needs to be to lay down and not give me a Dennis the Menace or Pissed-Off Porcupine look. No, I am not spiking it or using gels, those attract stinging insects, and I do not react well to being stung. This mane of mine is mine, not yours. You want a style, do it to your own hair, let me go on treating my head like a weed patch. Its okay to remind me the beard needs trimming, but do not think you have the right to dictate its shape or that it comes off.

While we are at it, stop worrying about my taste in clothing. I buy clothes more for function and comfort than looks. And more importantly, based on what I can afford to buy. If colors don't match, I could care less. I am the guy buying and wearing them, not you. Worry about what look you project, stop worrying about mine.

Last, and this is the one firing up the friends, you all have expressed your politics and beliefs for a long time, every time mine started to get out, you all squelched me, acting like you knew what was best for me to believe. Guess what, get used to hearing my politics, and my beliefs more often, or run off covering your ears. Its about time you found out what my beliefs really are, and trust me, they are not what you believe they are or want them to be. Too bad, so sad... yours were not what I really agree with or find palatable all the time either. Grow up and learn that others are allowed their opinions, and realize that my views are no more incorrect than yours are. They are mine, but I have the right to lay them on the line, so folks finally get a taste of who and what I am in reality. I never was the guy you thought I was on issues and politics anyway, and my religion is for me and my God to formulate, not you to dictate how it should be so you feel happy. We all have opinions, just as we all have a certain bodily orifice in our nether regions, and guess what, no one likes the smell of anything but their own on the former, and both if they are twisted up inside.

Still think I am insane? Still think I need help folks? Look in the mirror, most of you are just as screwed up.

Have I made mistakes? Hell yeah. And I will until the day I die, I am human, not a deity. Infallibility is not my strong suit, and I would not want it to be. Am I willing to accept the consequences of my actions? Folks, I was warning folks I could be on the streets as I am now long before it happened. I know that some decisions close doors forever, and I accept that. Can you? Can you really take a step, walk away acting like I am insane, when you may be the crazy one? Up to you folks.

You all have your "demons" as one of you said. I have my own, and to paraphrase Pogo, he is me. You deal with yours, I know mine, and right now all he needs is a job to come through, a good meal three times a week, a cup or six of coffee a day (of which I have only had three in the last 60 days), a pipe or six a day of good smelling Cavendish tobacco, and about 9 hours of sleep for a few days, not the measly 5-6 I have gotten since the year began.

Still wonder why I am grumpy and getting vocal? Think it over, anyone who knows me should realize the lack of coffee alone to be dangerous to any around me. God help you all if the Caf-fiend in my heart ever breaks free.... He really needs some Kona to calm down with.

Monday, August 1, 2011


This will be the place I take my social commentary to. That mythical Private Island Kingdom we each seem to desire, where we are still the kings of our lives and households.... unless the cat gods lay us low by demanding worship....